Access the ZIP file on a PC:
- Locate the ZIP file you want to open (you might find it in the Downloads folder in your System Drive).
- To unzip the entire folder, right-click to select Extract All.
- In the pop-up menu, select a location to extract the files.
- Once you’ve selected a destination folder, click “OK.”
- Finally, click “Extract” in the pop-up menu.
Access the ZIP file on a Mac:
- Locate the ZIP file you want to open (you might find it in the Downloads folder in your System Drive).
- Double-click the ZIP file.
- When the extraction is complete, a window will pop up to display the extracted files/folders. If no window opens up after the extraction is complete, simply locate the extracted folder to display the extracted files.
Access the ZIP file on an Android:
- Open the Files app.
- Then click Browse at the bottom of your screen.
- Locate the ZIP file you want to extract.
- Tap the file you want to open and then tap Extract.
- Finally, tap Done.
Access the ZIP file on an iPhone:
- Download, install, and open the iZip app.
- Then tap Files at the top of your screen.
- Locate the ZIP file you want to extract files from.
- Tap the ZIP file you want to extract.
- Finally, tap OK in the pop-up.
Friends Don't Lie
- Phone Wallpaper (4 colors)
- Desktop Wallpaper (4 colors)
- 8x10 Digital Print (4 colors)